A compact, colorful, summary of your git branches.
USAGE: git brv
Outputs a list of branches, sorted by date
❯ git brv
2022-11-11 markdown origin/markdown 0d71347 strips ANSI escape codes in usage section
2022-11-06 v2_staging origin/v2_staging cbb273c updated output with Prettier::Table
2022-11-06 prettier_tables cbb273c updated output with Prettier::Table
2022-11-06 tags origin/tags 1650dbf added tag support and tests
2022-10-16 asciinema origin/asciinema b40d75b improved documentation
2022-10-12 beautification f60726c added comment about box drawing characters
2022-10-05 main origin/main 0d2df47 added repo to meta6